Friday, May 7, 2010

An almost uneventful week...

...And we decided it was time to go back.

While we waited for our bus to leave, we strolled around the beach taking some pictures of ourselves.

So we came back to San Juan del Rio...

We would have had a rather uneventful week sharing the leftovers of our bilar with Pia, the dog, but Annika had a better idea and decided getting sick instead -- just to spice up things a bit.

She got so dehydrated that we had to go to yet another hospital.... but, fortunately, she got better after it and now she's back to her own self again.

I got so worried about her when she got sick that I walked around looking like I had just seen a ghost!

Nah, I just had a bad hair day, the funny part is that Annika was so sick that she needed something in the morning and I had to go out in a rush to buy it and she tells me (although i have my doubts) that she just "forgot" to mention I looked like a mental escape; I had to find out about it by the smiles people had in their faces when they walked past me...


  1. Ni ser ut att ha haft det riktigt bra på playan i Mexico. Här i Sverige har det varit kallt de senaste dagarna. Igår var det bara 2 grader, i alla fall i Småland där jag befann mig. Nu är jag tillbaka i Rinkeby och det känns som att våren har stannat av. Hoppas den hostar igång snart igen.

  2. 1. Annika, I'm glad you're feeling better!
    2. Looks like you've had a really good honeymoon.
    3. You gave a Dog Bilars??!! ARE YOU CRAZY!??!?! I love those things and you gave to a dog.
    4. I'm STILL waiting for a mailing address so I can send you wedding gifts.

    Love, JOY
