Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Annika does Mexico City

So we got to Mexico City and we went to the Swedish embassy to get some of the papers we needed for the big fat Mexican wedding. How do you like that, a piece of Sweden in Mexico!

Later, we took a nice walk through the Bosque de Chapultepec (Mexico City´s answer to New York´s Central Park) where Annika made some friends with the locals.
Annika feels much better now, but she´s still hurting a bit, so please keep praying for her and for God´s will to be present in our lives.


  1. Wow - vilken kul blogg!! När ska ni gifta er?? Eller beror det på alla myndigheter/hur lång tid det tar att ordna allt?
    Emilie W H

  2. Grattis på födelsdagen Annika!!! / Johannes

  3. I tried to google "Big fat mexican wedding" the other day. I thought I might find your blogg, but it did not seem like you... It is really funny actually - you better watch it.

