Monday, March 22, 2010


Got to Mexico alright!

The flight was a bit messed up since we got really good seats but a dude who stunk something fierce sat right next to us and we had to move... I mean this guy packed a heavy punch anytime he lifted his arms!

So, after sitting on the back of the plane for what seemed to be longer than any human should endure, we got to Mexico City at 7pm local time or 2 o'clock of the morning of Sunday Swedish time.

My father, mother, brother, and an aunt were there to receive us and take us to a real Mexican restaurant (oh, yeah!) before heading for my mother's place in San Juan del Rio. Now here we are, trying to get our bearings with this jet lag thing and I, for one, don't seem to be doing a good job at it since it's three o'clock in the morning local time and I can't sleep. I have been awake laying on my bed for an hour already so I figured I might as well get up and do something productive, like starting this blog.

Annika and I had a good day yesterday: we hung around the house, went to the market to buy food, met some friends, and had a big cookout; not bad to kick off spring. Good times!

We have already made plans to go out biking next Saturday... if we have time. We'll probably go to some of the towns nearby which are really nice to see.

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